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Instruction manual translation

When it comes to the volume of pages we translate, the majority are technical translations, including translations of instruction manuals and installation manuals for machinery and devices.

Such translations are prepared by experts in the given field who understand the operating specifics of the given device. Our translators include numerous engineers and individuals with industrial experience.

Since a lot of text in instruction manuals repeats, such translations are prepared with Trados software to save considerable time and money. Furthermore, Trados has special translation memory dedicated to each client, which reduces the cost of all subsequent translations – e.g. an updated instruction manual for a new model – because we only charge full price for new sentences while the remaining content is only subject to proofreading and approval. Further reading: quality policy – Trados software.

Document types

  • instruction manuals
  • installation manuals
  • technical specifications
  • declarations of compliance

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